Saturday, September 11, 2010

French Zombie Walk!

Second update from Strasbourg!

Relax everyone... I've found an apartment.  It is conveniently located between the bustling downtown area and where I will be teaching.  There's not as much noise, it's much cheaper not in the city, it's larger than what's in the city, and I'll have a nice roommate it seems.  My roommate's name is Pierre (I know, who'da guessed? haha).  He is extremely welcoming and nice, he is a graphic designer, and he is 26 years old.  I'll be sure to take some pictures once I'm settled in on Monday.  Since I've been in Strasbourg I've been using other people's computers, so I need to be able to get on mine in order to upload all my shots.

Also, today I met one of the other people who will be teaching here named Anne.  She is actually from Down Under (Australia, that is) and has lived in Strasbourg before.  So we walked around and she showed me where some good and shopping spots were and pointed out some nice things to see.  We got on quite well and I look forward to seeing her again and meeting the other assistants. 

This coming Monday I'll be visiting the school where I'll be teaching and meeting some of the other English teachers for lunch.  Also, several of the other assistants will be arriving this week.

That's all I have for now.  Check back with me later!


At 2:46 PM , Blogger Leah B. said...

Oh my gosh I left out the best part!!! When Anne and I were walking around today we saw a huge zombie walk! There were professional make up artists in the streets decorating people up like zombies and then they were dancing and all kinds of stuff. Fun times!


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